This writeup will be centered around the environmental hazards of your junk car just as depicted in the title.

Firstly, you have to note that your car will last very long if it is well taken care of. However, you should know that at one point, you may not be able to continue with it.  For that reason, it might become a junk car thereby triggering some environmental damages.

Meanwhile, you should note that apart from the weird looks it gives your environment, it is dangerous to your health.

Subsequently, here are some of the environmental hazards of your junk car:

Dangers of fluids leaking: This is one of the hazards of junk cars to our environment. One of the reasons it is illegal to pour gasoline on the ground is due to contamination of soil and water supply. You would agree with me that leaving a junk car in your environment can cause this.

Petroleum contains nitrogen, sulfur, and other hazardous chemicals that can make water unpotable. In an instance where your junk car has fluids leaking out of it, it can contaminate the earth with these types of chemicals. If too many spills on the earth, it can lead to health problems.

Junk car’s tyres lead to contamination: You should be aware that your junk car’s tyres allow for mosquitoes and other pests to hang around your area.

Also, tires are in landfills can lead to contamination of the ground and soil. Tires can be recycled, though, and this is much better for the environment than leaving them sitting around your yard. Better still, get rid of your junk car altogether.

Junk car is an ideal hiding place for animals. And I guess you aware that kids play hide and seek in this vicinity too. So, you should understand the dangers you are putting innocent kids into. Get rid of your junk car today!


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